RENT - CEO is not just a consultant. You are accessing the power and brainpower of boots-on-the-ground operators, who have a wealth of experience working with companies that span across size and industry. We don’t like big reports that end up lying on the table and never gets executed. Our business assessment provides an outlook of a company that points to results and how to get there quickly because in stress every minute counts.
RENT A CEO offers swift stability to a company’s team and its operations, as well as immediate comfort to its Board and shareholders.
Our plug-and-play service provides a bridge during the leadership transition period, allowing for the proper amount of time required to identify, recruit and on-board a new CEO.
An Agreement Based Around Engagement
In the past, we’ve read plenty of stories of businesses who emptied their bank account to get a report from a consultancy company. While it might seem pretty at first, it can easily get put to one side because you soon realize that it’s the implementation process that requires assistance.
Fortunately, interim CEOs will have this valuable experience. Rather than a simple consultancy, they will use their experience to come in with a fresh perspective. Very quickly, they can assess your businesses, consider strategies, and take that important step of implementation. Instead of an extra body in the office, what you’re actually tapping into is the time that they’ve spent launching businesses, running them successfully, and overcoming difficult periods.
Huge reports with thousands of words and pretty graphs might look great, but we find they end up gathering dust in a desk or propping up a table somewhere. We understand that every minute counts, you can’t stand still for even a moment. We’ll assess your business, find the quickest route to results, and take that first step as soon as possible.
Not only will this approach provide stability for the team on the front line, it should also offer confidence to the board and shareholders. Whether you just need help for a short period, or you want to bridge a gap during an important transition, you have our support.
As soon as we step in to help, one of our brilliant professionals will undertake extensive analysis of various operating and financial metrics. Furthermore, they talk with your team, creditors, customers, and important stakeholders to get a better idea of the business. From here, we can have a meeting with each director and the chairman as a strategy is agreed upon for the good of the company.
By following this process, we can ensure that everybody is on board. During this transition, it also means the board will be comfortable knowing there will be no loss of value to the company.
Engagement Types at RENT a CEO
Depending on the service you require, there are four main roles we can undertake after you reach out.
Consultant - First and foremost, you might be experiencing certain challenges that prevent you from reaching goals. Alternatively, you may be in serious financial trouble. Either way, we can enter the business, complete a full assessment, and design a tailored plan for you. If you want our help on an ongoing basis, we can set up meetings each day, week, or month.
Why hire a full-time member of the management team when you can utilise our fantastic, flexible service? Too many businesses don’t realise what they can afford, but your budget will love us.
Business Advisor - When creating our service, we had an aim to help as many small- to mid-sized companies as we could. Whenever they required, we wanted to offer senior executive talent in a way that hasn’t been done before.
As well as being ready to help with short-term stress and difficulties, we also aim to harbour long-term business relationships. Even after the objectives have been achieved, our executives can still play a limited role if you desire. For example, we’ve worked with plenty of businesses in the past who decided to keep our number as a coach.
Thanks to the experience of our professionals, our service is unbelievably flexible, and you can mould us into whatever you need. Perhaps a monthly consultation? A board member? Or even a more active role? If you’re hiring a new long-term senior executive, we can also aid the transition and ensure they have the tools they need to succeed.
Interim Executive Leadership - Have you ever thought about what would happen if your CEO suddenly stepped down? Even when business is going great and you think nothing could stop you, losing your CEO suddenly would be a huge setback. In order to prevent damage and fill leadership vacuums when they occur, you need a replacement (or at least a plan!).
With our interim executives, they have the adaptability to step into any business and thrive; we’re confident in saying this because they’re proving us right time and time again. While some businesses require our expertise for a couple of months, other projects last for many years. The engagement types include;
• Refinancing
• Restructuring
• Mergers and Acquisitions
• Change Acceleration
• Growth
• Turnarounds
Normally part-time, these engagements will work on a monthly basis until you’re happy to move on without our support.
Advisory Board Member - Finally, the fourth option would be to hire a temporary director/board member. We aren’t doubting the passion of your board of directors, but we’ve seen first-hand how they can sometimes lack expertise, background, knowledge, or even diversity. At RENT a CEO, we can identify the right board member to boost these four areas (or in whichever area you may be lacking!).
Rather than sending a random director, we consider your needs and fill the weakness you’ve identified. As well as filling gaps, it may be that an advisor can give your business access to contacts and networks in your specific niche.
Typically, the relationship will work on a yearly retainer basis, but the flexibility is present with this agreement once again. If you want to add consultation and one-to-one coaching, this is easily achieved, and you’ll be putting your business first.
All businesses will face challenges sooner or later, are you honest enough to call for help when the time comes? Our experience, skills, and resources may just provide the support you need in both the short-term and long-term. Of course, you can be confident our discussions remain confidential too.
Feel free to contact us today to speak to our expert!