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IFS Officer’s Plantable Visiting Cards Go Viral, Here’s How You Can Get Your Own

Imagine a world where all the paper you mindlessly discard turned into plants, a world that we could green as we went along. Sounds far-fetched? It isn’t. Especially not if you went the extra mile with intention and mindfulness.

Recently, IFS officer Parveen Kaswan, who has quite a fan following on Twitter, tweeted an image of his visiting card. Nothing special, right? Well, the tweet went viral and it was because it was made entirely from seed paper. Seed paper is a biodegradable paper made from a mix of paper-pulp and organic seeds. Once you are done using this paper, you can place it in a pot and witness a plant grow from it. In the tweet, he said anyone coming into his office would receive a plantable card that would grow into a basil plant.

He says, “ After seeing one sample of it, I liked it and decided to share the same on the internet. Careful use of this product is a good thing, I have decided to distribute this to those who visit my office, and are willing to plant it and take care of it.”


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